
Urethritis is inflammation of urethra. Urinary tract infections involve difficult, frequent or burning urination, sometimes with pain, bleeding or pus in the urine. The infection of the urinary tract may be confined to the urethra, prostate or urinary bladder. In such cases, features of systemic illness are rarely seen and the symptoms are those like that of dysuria. Ayurveda has studied such conditions under the title Mootrakruchhra which means dysuria.

Causes :

According to modern science, urethritis is caused by various bacterial or fungal infections, chemicals, radiations or injuries. Ayurveda has blamed following things for causing mootrakruchhra: substances that increase heat, food or climate increases dryness in body, excessive consumption of alcohol, excessive exertion, excessive food intake and indigestion.


 Scalding pain in the urethra during urination
 Discharge from urethra & vagina
 Difficulty in intercourse
 Blood in semen or urine in men

View Of Ayurveda

Eliminating urine is a function of Apan vayu. So disturbance of Apan vayu causes problems in uirnation. One such disease is Mootrakruchhra which has been classified various types in Ayurvda. Some such types are: Vataj Mootrakruchhra (caused mainly by vitiated Vayu) is marked by severe pains in pelvic region and obstructed urination. Pittaj Mootrakruchhra (caused mainly by vitiated Pitta) shows severe burning micturition with reddish or yellowish urine. Kaphaj Mootrakruchhra (caused mainly by vitiated Kapha) id characterized by swelling and heaviness in pelvic region and sticky urine. Sannipatik Mootrakruchhra is caused by vitiation of all three Doshas and therefore have mixed characteristics. Ayurvedic regimens for Mootrakruchhra normally prevent surgical interference in these conditions. The line of treatment involves the removal of infection with internal detoxification, cleaning and removing any blockages in the urinary tract combined with herbs to tone the kidneys and normalize the functioning of apan vayu.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice

 To prevent problems of urinary system, it is always important to drink adquate liquids every day. Especially sitting in air conditioned rooms, cars and aeroplanes causes dryness in urinary tract which often leads to urinary problems. Persons getting exposed to such factors should drink adequate warm water.
 Persons living or working in humid atmosphere tend to sweat more which evaporates water contents form the body. This too can cause urinary problems. Persons getting exposed to such factors should drink adequate liquids like water, fruit juices, coconut water etc.
 Drinking such liquids which are reasonably pure protects the person from urinary infections.

With the help of proper treatment, panchkarma, yoga, diet & life-style management & ayurvedic medicine, The management of Urethritis disease can helps the patient to enjoy happier & healthier life.

Advisable Panchkarma For Disease :
  1. Avgah swed