Garbh Sanskar

Garbh Sanskar - which is the part of among of Sixteen Sanskar's of Indian Culture. Garbha sanskar is a Sanskrit term, which literally means 'education in the womb'. It is traditionally believed that a child's mental and behavioural development starts as soon as he is conceived. His personality begins to take shape in the womb, and this can be influenced by the mother's state of mind during pregnancy. This knowledge can be traced back to ancient scriptures and is included in the Ayurveda.

By this couple can get their child as Better in physical constitution like best immunity, no deformities and also can prevent next child from the hereditary diseases.

Better in mental health like; more intelligent, good graphing and smart memory.

Better in Spiritual and Sanskar as we wish, we can make inputs while pregnancy.

According to Garbha sanskar, your baby is able to sense and respond to outside influences like music and other sounds as well as your thoughts and feelings. That is why well-meaning elders in the family, talk about the importance of staying positive and relaxed during pregnancy.

To help a mother remain in the best possible frame of mind in the interest of her growing baby, Garbha sanskar suggests a set of practices and way of life. This includes reading or seeing things that make you happy, communicating with your baby, performing spiritual activities like pujas, meditating and eating healthily.

You may have seen a pregnant mother caressing or talking to her baby bump and perhaps even found it strange. She may well be practising Garbha sanskar.

What you have to eat during garbh sanskar?

Ayurveda recommends to include few things in diet corresponding to month of pregnancy which adds to the healthier development of the foetus.

First month – A pregnant woman should have atleast 2 glasses of milk everyday throughout the pregnancy, but particularly in first month milk should be consumed necessarily. If complaints like nausea, vomiting is present milk can be flavored with Elaichi, Shatavari kalpa, or milk masala containing almonds, cardamom, dry ginger, etc.

Second month – It is suggested to take milk medicated with sweet herbs like shatavari, bala, etc. Adding 2 tsps of Shatavari kalpa to glass of milk will serve the purpose.

Third month – The third month regimen explains adding honey and ghee to milk. One should keep in mind that honey should never be subjected to heat hence milk should be of room temp or luke warm. Another fact is honey and ghee together should always be taken in unequal quantity. You can mix 2tsps of ghee + 1tsp of honey to a cup of luke warm milk.

Fourth month – The fourth month regimen recommends intake of fresh unsalted butter with crystal sugar.

Fifth month – Fifth month regimen suggests increased intake of ghee alone or along with food. Minimum of 7-8 tsps of ghee should be consumed. Where ever ghee is mentioned it means preferably cow’s ghee.

Sixth month – Ghee medicated with sweet herbs like Liquorice, Shatavari, should be taken early morning at empty stomach.

Seventh month – Sixth month regimen should be continued in seventh month.

Eighth month – Sweet gruel prepared in milk proves beneficial if eaten in this month. You can have gruel made of rice, sooji, wheat vermicell, etc. Gruel should be taken once a day.

Ninth month – Anuvasan Basti with medicated oil should be administered in the last month. It enables the foetus to acquire its normal position and helps in attaining favourable conditions for normal labor.

Which organ developed in which month during pregnancy?

1st month – Formation of cell mass
After the sexual intercourse, the sperm fertilizes the ovum. In the first month (of pregnancy), following fertilization and implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity, only kalala or ‘mass of cells’ is formed. This is explained by the commentators as ‘singhanaka’ i.e. phlegm like substance stained with streaks of blood.

2nd month – Formation of compact mass, determination of sex of the child
In the second month, the embryo under the influence of sheeta (kapha), ushna (pitta) and anila (Vayu) and its bhutas (the involvement of 5 elements of nature i.e. Prithvi or earth, Jala or water, Teja or fire, Vayu or air and Akasha or ether / space) forms into a compact mass (Ghana sanghata).
The sex of the child (fetus) is also determined in the second month of pregnancy itself. This is determined depending on the shape of the compact mass (Ghana sanghata) formed in the 2nd month.
If the Ghana sanghata is in the form (shape) of a pinda (bolus), it would be a male (pumaan) child.
If the Ghana sanghata is in the form (shape) of a peshi (quadrangular like a striped muscle) it would be a female (stree) child.
If the Ghana sanghata is in the form of (shape) an arbuda (bubble, hemi-spherical), it would be an eunach (napumsaka).

3rd month – Formation of buds (ossification centres) for limbs and head
In the 3rd month of pregnancy, five buds or ossification centres representing the formation of 4 limbs (2 upper limbs and 2 lower limbs) and head respectively are formed. The anga-pratyangas (organs and their structures) also start forming indistinctly i.e. there is unclear manifestation of organs and their structures in this month.

4th month – Distinct formation of organs, manifestation of heart, life element, fetal movements
In the fourth month of pregnancy, the anga pratyangas (organs and their structures) are distinctly developed. While in the 3rd month the organs have started to manifest indistinctively, they would have completely formed by the 4th month. The fetal circulation is established. With this, the circulation of nutrients gets clearly established between the mother and child. The embryo or garbha develops mind and mental faculties. As a result, the mother starts feeling the movements of the embryo. Such feeling of fetal movements is known as quickening. At this stage of quickening, the mother develops some unusual desires, which probably indicate the desires of the growing fetus. The wishes of the child are manifested through mother. The woman at this stage is said to have 2 hearts, one of hers and the other of the fetus. From this month, the mother will be called as ‘Dauhridini’ or the ‘one with 2 hearts’. It is said that all the desires of the woman arising in this period shall not be taken lightly since they are the demands of the child. They compensate the needs of the child. Therefore these wishes should be fulfilled.

5th month – Progressive development of mind
In the 5th month of pregnancy, the mind develops further

6th month – Development of intellect
In the 6th month of pregnancy, the development of buddhi or intellect is seen

7th month – Complete development of fetal body parts
In the 7th month of pregnancy, the fetal body parts are completely developed. All the anga pratyangas are said to be completely developed.

8th month – Instability of life
In the 8th month of pregnancy the ojas or essence of all the tissues in the body (which determine the immunity of the child) gets disturbed and is instable. It is said that the life will be instable in this month. It is also said that the child born in this month may not survive.

9th month – Complete development of fetus, delivery, birth of child
The complete development of the fetus and delivery of the child may take place at the end of 9th month. It is said that this process of complete development of fetus and child birth may take place between 9th and 12th month of pregnancy.

It’s an overview about GARBH SANSKAAR. For more details & treatment you must visit at || NAKSHATRA AYURVEDAM || hospital or call DR SHEFALI PANDYA on 09664591512.

DR. SHEFALI PANDYA is the best ayurvedic GARBH SANSKAAR specialist in india. She advises about Food, Yoga, Chanting, Life style, Jwellery, Panchkarma, Medicine, Pranayaam, Music, Mantra, Body clock, Reading & many more for every month of GARBH SANSKAAR for pregnant woman.

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