Interstitial lung disease

Interstitial lung disease is a general category that includes many different lung conditions. All interstitial lung diseases affect the interstitium, a part of the lungs' anatomic structure.

Causes :

Bacteria, viruses, and fungi are known to cause interstitial pneumonias. Regular exposures to inhaled irritants at work or during hobbies can also cause some interstitial lung disease.


The most common symptom of all forms of interstitial lung disease is shortness of breath. Nearly all people with interstitial lung disease will experience breathlessness, which may get worse over time.
Other symptoms of interstitial lung disease include:
 Cough, which is usually dry and nonproductive.
 Weight loss, most often in people with COP or BOOP.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice

Treatments for interstitial lung disease vary according to the type of interstitial lung disease and its cause.
 Antibiotics : These are effective treatments for most interstitial pneumonias. Azithromycin (Zithromax) and levofloxacin (Levaquin) eliminate the bacteria that cause most interstitial pneumonias. Viral pneumonias usually resolve on their own. Fungal pneumonias are rare, but can be treated with antifungal drugs.
 Corticosteroids: In some forms of interstitial lung disease, ongoing inflammation in the lungs causes damage and scarring. Corticosteroids like prednisone and methylprednisolone reduce the activity of the immune system. This reduces the amount of inflammation in the lungs and the rest of the body.
 Inhaled oxygen: In people with low oxygen blood levels due to interstitial lung disease, inhaled oxygen may improve symptoms. Regular use of oxygen might also protect the heart from damage caused by low oxygen levels.
 Lung transplant : In advanced interstitial lung disease causing severe impairment, a lung transplant may be the best option. Most people undergoing lung transplant for interstitial lung disease make large gains in quality of life and their ability to exercise.
 Azathioprine (Imuran): This drug also suppresses the immune system. It has never been proven to improve interstitial lung disease, but some studies suggest it might help.
 N-acetylcysteine (Mucomyst): This potent antioxidant may slow the decline of lung function in some forms of interstitial lung disease. It should not be used alone.

With the help of proper treatment, panchkarma, yoga, diet & life-style management & ayurvedic medicine, The management of Interstitial Lung Disease disease can helps the patient to enjoy happier & healthier life.

Advisable Panchkarma For Disease :
  1. Nasya
  2. Abhyang
  3. Swedan
  4. Dhoompan