
Depression is a mental health disorder. It is a mood disorder characterized by persistently low mood and a feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Depression is a persistent problem, not a passing one - the average length of a depressive episode is 6-8 months.

Causes :

The causes of depression are not fully understood and may not be down to a single source. Depression is likely to be due to a complex combination of factors that include:
 biological - changes in neurotransmitter levels
 psychological and social (psychosocial)


 Dark circles under and around the eyes
 depressed mood
 reduced interest or pleasure in activities previously enjoyed, loss of sexual desire
 unintentional weight loss (without dieting) or low appetite
 insomnia (difficulty sleeping) or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping)
 psychomotor agitation (for example, restlessness, pacing up and down), or psychomotor retardation (slowed movements and speech)
 fatigue or loss of energy
 feelings of worthlessness or guilt
 worsened ability to think, concentrate, or make decisions
 recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, or attempt at suicide


Depression is a treatable mental illness. There are three components to the management of depression:
 Support - ranging from discussing practical solutions and contributing stresses, to educating family members.
 Psychotherapy - also known as talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
 Drug treatment - antidepressants.

An ayurvedic treatment has wonderful results in Depression disease. It may cure permanantly if patient follow the complete course of treatment with all diet, life-style & panchkarma realeted advises.

Advisable Panchkarma For Disease :
  1. Shirodhar
  2. Nasya
  3. Shiro basti
  4. Ayurvedic music & sound therapy with counseling