Bronchial Asthma

Bronchial Asthma (known as Tamak Swasa in Ayurveda) is a chronic, intermittent, inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by episodes of dyspnoea, cough, airflow obstruction and wheezing. Psychological stress aggravates the condition.

Causes :

Aggravated Kapha (water) accumulates in the airways, leading to their narrowing and obstruction. This causes an interruption in the flow of the air in the lungs, causing shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing. This happens because of increased intake of Vata (air) and Kapha aggravating foods, internal weakness of lung tissues, and various diseases affecting the lungs. Causal factors include living in a cold and damp atmosphere, having cold or stale food or drink, eating foods that are not easily digestible, and ama (mucus) formation that blocks the respiratory channels causing difficulty in breathing..


 Tightness in the chest
 Shortness of breath

View Of Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatment for Bronchial Asthma is initially focused on improving the digestive system. Herbal medicines are administered to clear the blockage from the channels by eliminating toxins (ama) from the body. They will then liquefy the Kapha present in the channels, allowing proper movement of Vata and fostering proper and easy respiration. Additionally, immune-booster herbal combinations are given to the patient in order to provide both physical and psychological strength, as the patient becomes weak due to repeated attacks of Asthma.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice

 Avoid smoking and exposure to dusty and cold air.
 Drinking herbal teas or sipping lukewarm water with honey is helpful.
 To avoid ama formation, have freshly prepared warm meals at regular intervals.
 Eat less than the full capacity of the stomach.
 Heavy foods like dairy products, fried foods, pickles, cold foods, rice, beans and legumes should be avoided.

With the help of proper treatment, panchkarma, yoga, diet & life-style management & ayurvedic medicine, The management of Bronchial Asthma disease can helps the patient to enjoy happier & healthier life.

Advisable Panchkarma For Disease :
  1. Nasya
  2. Virechan
  3. Dhoompaan