Eye Diseases

1. Weak Eyesight

Our eyes work in the manner of a camera. They focus the light from the external source on the retina of the eye. The lens, pupil, and optic nerve all work in coordination to create this image. The disorders in any of these or the lack of coordination in any of these can lead to weakness in eye sight.

Causes :

 Hypermetropia or long sightedness in which patients have difficulty focusing on objects closer in distance
 Myopia or near sightedness in which patients have difficulty focusing on objects far in distance.
 Refractive errors in eye may lead to weak eyesight
 In cases of astigmatism, cataract, and glaucoma.


 Blurred vision
 Straining of eyes while doing some reading
 Difficulty in doing work like sewing, stitching etc.
 Watering of eyes frequently
 Redness of eyes with pain
 Inability to read with perfection
 Partial or complete blindness


Treat Your Eyes Right - While you may have heard it a thousand times, it is really important to eat right! Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables will seriously help improve your eyesight and keep it from deteriorating. It is also important to eat the right vitamins to support eye health. Vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A, C, and E, are all important to eye health.

Rest Properly - Supporting your eye health is just one of the many benefits of getting enough sleep and taking breaks during the work day. While you shouldn’t be sleeping on the job, it is still important to rest your eyes once in a while! If you work on a computer all day, your eyes are probably under a lot of strain.

Perform Eye Exercises - One of the fastest ways to improve your vision naturally is to perform daily eye exercises. Eye exercises are meant to strengthen the eyes and improve vision. Using eye exercises can even eliminate your need for contacts or glasses. Get a regular schedule of eye exercises and try to do them daily – this will help you get in the habit of performing exercises and also help you achieve better vision fast.

2. Myopia

Myopia or shortsightedness refers to difficulty in seeing objects at a distance. The light rays coming into the eyes are supposed to converge at a particular point on retina. However in myopia they start converging much ahead of retina, as a result of which the person has blurred vision of distant objects but clear vision of near objects.


Excessive use of the eyes, studying or reading in dim light, excessive use of computers, lack of eye exercises, improper diet and nutrition are some causes of myopia. Heredity is also a factor.


 Blurred vision
 Unclear vision of near objects

View Of Ayurveda

From Ayurvedic point of view, vision defects imply derangement of doshas. Alochak pitta that resides in eyes is resposible for vision. Vitiation of this pitta causes vision problems. Causes like excess use of eyes increase vata which then weakens the structures in eyes. Because of causes like lack of proper diet, alochak pitta and dhatus (tissues) in eyes do not receive proper nourishment and therfore fail to perform their functions properly. Improper food, hampered digestion etc may produce toxins which can block the channels and cause malnourishmment of optic tissues. So Ayurvedic treatment of optical problems includes balancing the body energies in addition to therapies that clear eye blockages, nourish and strengthen the optical nerves and tissues to enhance vision.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice

 Protecting eyes from excess strain, dim light and other causes helps in reducing chances of getting myopia.
 Using suitable eye drops and doing eye exercises reduces strain of eyes, improves their health and keeps vision intact for years. Ayurvedic therapies like Netratarpan also do the same.
 Carrots, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, berries, almonds etc which contain vitamin A and C are supposed to be good for eyes and vision. So including them is food is wise things to do.
 Doing eye exercises from Yoga is beneficial for eyes.

With the help of proper treatment, panchkarma, yoga, diet & life-style management & ayurvedic medicine, The management of Eye disease can helps the patient to enjoy happier & healthier life.

Advisable Panchkarma For Disease :
  1. Netra tarpan