
When food is not digested properly, due to low jathragni, and most of the food is not converted into nutritious juice required for the sustenance of the body, it forms the mucus like substance which is 'apakv ahar'. Very little of this substance gets converted in nutritious juice while a large part of it is converted into waste products. This excess of waste causes aggravation of vata, which disrupts the normal functioning of the digestive canal thus producing (ama) in the body. Ama is the toxin caused by undigested food. When dhatus (tissues) are produced from this defective nutritious juice, there is an aggravation of kapha and pitta in them. This results in bad quality of tissues/organs and low immunity.

Causes :

Eating before the earlier meal is digested, eating too much, eating heavy foods, eating irregularly, eating very hot or very cold food, eating too much drying food, eating without giving a thought to quantity and the compatibility of the food, eating food which is not suited to the climate/season or body is often responsible for indigestion. Holding irrepressible urges, drinking too much water, working late nights or not getting proper rest, mental factors like Anxiety/ fear/anger/sickness/sorrow etc also contribute in causing indigestion.


 Excess yawning
 Stiffness in back and lumber region
 Pain in body
 Bloated or distended abdomen

View Of Ayurveda

Due to improper lifestyle/diet and mental causes (listed above), jathragni becomes low and the food is not digested properly because of aggravation of kapha and vata dosha. The water content increases and dilutes the digestive juices and they can not act properly on the food, which causes indigestion.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice

 Strict attention to diet is essential for recovery.
 Starchy, protein and fatty foods should be restricted.
 Meats, sugar, tea, coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and processed foods should be avoided.
 White flour and white sugar products should be avoided.
 Heavy gravies, puddings, cakes, chocolates, pastries and alcohol should be avoided. Soft drinks, candies, ice creams and products made with sugar and white flour should also be avoided.
 Non-vegetarian foods should be avoided.
 Rice can be eaten with steamed vegetables, which should be garnished with spices. Khichari also should be used.
 Pomegranate fruit, buttermilk, soup of reddish are beneficial.

An ayurvedic treatment has wonderful results in Dyspepsia disease. It may cure permanantly if patient follow the complete course of treatment with all diet, life-style & panchkarma realeted advises.

Advisable Panchkarma For Disease :
  1. Virechan